Lending Pools
Curve pools may contain lending functionality, whereby the underlying tokens are lent out on other protocols (e.g., Compound or Yearn). Hence, the main difference to a plain pool is that a lending pool does not hold the underlying token itself, but a wrapped representation of it.
Currently, Curve supports the following lending pools:
: Aave pool, with lending on Aave
: BUSD pool, with lending on yearn.finance
: Compound pool, with lending on Compound
: Iron Bank pool, with lending on Cream
: PAX pool, with lending on yearn.finance
: USDT pool, with lending on Compound
: Y pool, with lending on yearn.finance
An example of a Curve lending pool is Compound Pool, which contains the wrapped tokens cDAI
and cUSDC
, while the underlying tokens DAI
and USDC
are lent out on Compound. Liquidity providers of the Compound Pool therefore receive interest generated on Compound in addition to fees from token swaps in the pool.
Implementation of lending pools may differ with respect to how wrapped tokens accrue interest. There are two main types of wrapped tokens that are used by lending pools:
cToken-style tokens
: These are tokens, such as interest-bearing cTokens on Compound (e.g., cDAI
) or on yTokens on Yearn, where interest accrues as the rate of the token increases.
aToken-style tokens
: These are tokens, such as aTokens on AAVE (e.g., aDAI
), where interest accrues as the balance of the token increases.
The template source code for lending pools may be viewed on GitHub.
Lending pools also implement the ABI from plain pools. Refer to the plan pools documentation for overlapping methods.
Pool Info Methods¶
StableSwap.underlying_coins(i: uint256) → address: view
Getter for the array of underlying coins within the pool.
Input | Type | Description |
i | uint128 | Index of coin to swap from |
Source code
underlying_coins: public(address[N_COINS])
def __init__(
_owner: address,
_coins: address[N_COINS],
_underlying_coins: address[N_COINS],
_pool_token: address,
_A: uint256,
_fee: uint256,
_admin_fee: uint256
@notice Contract constructor
@param _owner Contract owner address
@param _coins Addresses of ERC20 contracts of wrapped coins
@param _underlying_coins Addresses of ERC20 contracts of underlying coins
@param _pool_token Address of the token representing LP share
@param _A Amplification coefficient multiplied by n * (n - 1)
@param _fee Fee to charge for exchanges
@param _admin_fee Admin fee
for i in range(N_COINS):
assert _coins[i] != ZERO_ADDRESS
assert _underlying_coins[i] != ZERO_ADDRESS
# approve underlying coins for infinite transfers
_response: Bytes[32] = raw_call(
convert(_coins[i], bytes32),
convert(MAX_UINT256, bytes32),
if len(_response) > 0:
assert convert(_response, bool)
self.coins = _coins
self.underlying_coins = _underlying_coins
self.initial_A = _A * A_PRECISION
self.future_A = _A * A_PRECISION
self.fee = _fee
self.admin_fee = _admin_fee
self.owner = _owner
self.kill_deadline = block.timestamp + KILL_DEADLINE_DT
self.lp_token = _pool_token
Exchange Methods¶
Like plain pools, lending pools have the exchange
method. However, in the case of lending pools, calling exchange
performs a swap between two wrapped tokens in the pool.
For example, calling exchange
on the Compound Pool, would result in a swap between the wrapped tokens cDAI
and cUSDC
StableSwap.exchange_underlying(i: int128, j: int128, dx: uint256, min_dy: uint256) → uint256
Perform an exchange between two underlying tokens. Index values can be found via the underlying_coins
public getter method. Returns the actual amount of coin j
Input | Type | Description |
i | int128 | Index value for the underlying coin to send |
j | int128 | Index value of the underlying coin to receive |
_dx | uint256 | Amount of i being exchanged |
_min_dy | uint256 | Minimum amount of j to receive |
Emits: TokenExchangeUnderlying
Source code
def exchange_underlying(i: int128, j: int128, dx: uint256, min_dy: uint256) -> uint256:
@notice Perform an exchange between two underlying coins
@dev Index values can be found via the `underlying_coins` public getter method
@param i Index value for the underlying coin to send
@param j Index valie of the underlying coin to recieve
@param dx Amount of `i` being exchanged
@param min_dy Minimum amount of `j` to receive
@return Actual amount of `j` received
dy: uint256 = self._exchange(i, j, dx)
assert dy >= min_dy, "Exchange resulted in fewer coins than expected"
u_coin_i: address = self.underlying_coins[i]
lending_pool: address = self.aave_lending_pool
# transfer underlying coin from msg.sender to self
_response: Bytes[32] = raw_call(
convert(msg.sender, bytes32),
convert(self, bytes32),
convert(dx, bytes32)
if len(_response) != 0:
assert convert(_response, bool)
# deposit to aave lending pool
convert(u_coin_i, bytes32),
convert(dx, bytes32),
convert(self, bytes32),
convert(self.aave_referral, bytes32),
# withdraw `j` underlying from lending pool and transfer to caller
LendingPool(lending_pool).withdraw(self.underlying_coins[j], dy, msg.sender)
log TokenExchangeUnderlying(msg.sender, i, dx, j, dy)
return dy
Older Curve lending pools may not implement the same signature for exchange_underlying
. For instance, Compound pool does not return anything for exchange_underlying
and therefore costs more in terms of gas.
Add/Remove Liquidity Methods¶
The function signatures for adding and removing liquidity to a lending pool are mostly the same as for a plain pool. However, for lending pools, liquidity is added and removed in the wrapped token, not the underlying.
In order to be able to add and remove liquidity in the underlying token (e.g., remove DAI from Compound Pool instead of cDAI
) there exists a Deposit<POOL>.vy
contract (e.g., (DepositCompound.vy).
Older Curve lending pools (e.g., Compound Pool) do not implement all plain pool methods for adding and removing liquidity. For instance, remove_liquidity_one_coin
is not implemented by Compound Pool).
Some newer pools (e.g., IB) have a modified signature for add_liquidity
and allow the caller to specify whether the deposited liquidity is in the wrapped or underlying token.
StableSwap.add_liquidity(_amounts: uint256[N_COINS], _min_mint_amount: uint256, _use_underlying: bool = False) → uint256
Perform an exchange between two underlying tokens. Index values can be found via the underlying_coins
public getter method. Returns amount of LP tokens received in exchange for the deposited tokens.
Input | Type | Description |
_amounts | uint256[N_COINS] | List of amounts of coins to deposit |
_min_mint_amount | uint256 | Minimum amount of LP tokens to mint from the deposit |
_use_underlying | bool | If True , deposit underlying assets instead of wrapped assets |
Emits: AddLiquidity
Source code
def add_liquidity(_amounts: uint256[N_COINS], _min_mint_amount: uint256, _use_underlying: bool = False) -> uint256:
@notice Deposit coins into the pool
@param _amounts List of amounts of coins to deposit
@param _min_mint_amount Minimum amount of LP tokens to mint from the deposit
@param _use_underlying If True, deposit underlying assets instead of aTokens
@return Amount of LP tokens received by depositing
assert not self.is_killed # dev: is killed
# Initial invariant
amp: uint256 = self._A()
old_balances: uint256[N_COINS] = self._balances()
lp_token: address = self.lp_token
token_supply: uint256 = ERC20(lp_token).totalSupply()
D0: uint256 = 0
if token_supply != 0:
D0 = self.get_D_precisions(old_balances, amp)
new_balances: uint256[N_COINS] = old_balances
for i in range(N_COINS):
if token_supply == 0:
assert _amounts[i] != 0 # dev: initial deposit requires all coins
new_balances[i] += _amounts[i]
# Invariant after change
D1: uint256 = self.get_D_precisions(new_balances, amp)
assert D1 > D0
# We need to recalculate the invariant accounting for fees
# to calculate fair user's share
fees: uint256[N_COINS] = empty(uint256[N_COINS])
mint_amount: uint256 = 0
if token_supply != 0:
# Only account for fees if we are not the first to deposit
ys: uint256 = (D0 + D1) / N_COINS
_fee: uint256 = self.fee * N_COINS / (4 * (N_COINS - 1))
_feemul: uint256 = self.offpeg_fee_multiplier
_admin_fee: uint256 = self.admin_fee
difference: uint256 = 0
for i in range(N_COINS):
ideal_balance: uint256 = D1 * old_balances[i] / D0
new_balance: uint256 = new_balances[i]
if ideal_balance > new_balance:
difference = ideal_balance - new_balance
difference = new_balance - ideal_balance
xs: uint256 = old_balances[i] + new_balance
fees[i] = self._dynamic_fee(xs, ys, _fee, _feemul) * difference / FEE_DENOMINATOR
if _admin_fee != 0:
self.admin_balances[i] += fees[i] * _admin_fee / FEE_DENOMINATOR
new_balances[i] = new_balance - fees[i]
D2: uint256 = self.get_D_precisions(new_balances, amp)
mint_amount = token_supply * (D2 - D0) / D0
mint_amount = D1 # Take the dust if there was any
assert mint_amount >= _min_mint_amount, "Slippage screwed you"
# Take coins from the sender
if _use_underlying:
lending_pool: address = self.aave_lending_pool
aave_referral: bytes32 = convert(self.aave_referral, bytes32)
# Take coins from the sender
for i in range(N_COINS):
amount: uint256 = _amounts[i]
if amount != 0:
coin: address = self.underlying_coins[i]
# transfer underlying coin from msg.sender to self
_response: Bytes[32] = raw_call(
convert(msg.sender, bytes32),
convert(self, bytes32),
convert(amount, bytes32)
if len(_response) != 0:
assert convert(_response, bool)
# deposit to aave lending pool
convert(coin, bytes32),
convert(amount, bytes32),
convert(self, bytes32),
for i in range(N_COINS):
amount: uint256 = _amounts[i]
if amount != 0:
assert ERC20(self.coins[i]).transferFrom(msg.sender, self, amount) # dev: failed transfer
# Mint pool tokens
CurveToken(lp_token).mint(msg.sender, mint_amount)
log AddLiquidity(msg.sender, _amounts, fees, D1, token_supply + mint_amount)
return mint_amount