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Curve Address Provider

The CurveAddressProvider serves as the entry point contract for Curve's various registries and is deployed on all chains where Curve is operational.

Contract Source & Deployment

Source code is avaliable on GitHub.

A list of all deployed AddressProvider can be found here .

Reading IDs

For the full mapping of IDs please see get_id_info.

ID information is stored in a struct, containing an address, a detailed description, its version, and the timestamp marking its most recent modification:

struct AddressInfo:
    addr: address
    description: String[256]
    version: uint256
    last_modified: uint256


AddressProvider.ids() -> DynArray[uint256, 1000]:

Getter function for all the IDs of active registry items in the AddressProvider.

Returns: active ids (DynArray[uint256, 1000])

Source code
_ids: DynArray[uint256, 1000]

def ids() -> DynArray[uint256, 1000]:
    @notice returns IDs of active registry items in the AddressProvider.
    @returns An array of IDs.
    _ids: DynArray[uint256, 1000] = []
    for _id in self._ids:
        if self.check_id_exists[_id]:

    return _ids
>>> AddressProvider.ids()
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 21, 22, 23


AddressProvider.get_id_info(arg0: uint256) -> tuple: view

Getter function to retrieve informations about a specific ID.

Returns: struct containing of the addr (address), description (String[256]), version (uint256) and last_modified (uint256).

0: Stableswap Custom Pool Registry
1: PoolInfo Getters
2: Exchange Router
3: Stableswap Metapool Factory
4: Fee Distributor
5: Cryptoswap Custom Pool Registry
6: Twocrypto Factory
7: Metaregistry
8: Stableswap crvUSD Factory
11: TricryptoNG Factory
12: StableswapNG Factory
13: TwocryptoNG Factory
14: Stableswap Calculations Contract
15: Cryptoswap calculations Contract
16: LLAMMA Factory crvUSD
17: LLAMMA Factory OneWayLending
18: Rate Provider
19: CRV Token
20: Gauge Factory
21: Ownership Admin
22: Parameter Admin
23: Emergency Admin
24: CurveDAO Vault
25: crvUSD Token
Input Type Description
arg0 uint256 ID to get the informations for
Source code
struct AddressInfo:
    addr: address
    description: String[256]
    version: uint256
    last_modified: uint256

get_id_info: public(HashMap[uint256, AddressInfo])
>>> AddressProvider.get_id_info(0)
'0x90E00ACe148ca3b23Ac1bC8C240C2a7Dd9c2d7f5,Stableswap Custom Pool Registry,1,1712655599'

>>> AddressProvider.get_id_info(9)


AddressProvider.get_address(arg0: uint256) -> address: view

Getter for the contract address of a ID.

Returns: contract (address).

Input Type Description
arg0 uint256 ID to get the contract address for
Source code
struct AddressInfo:
    addr: address
    description: String[256]
    version: uint256
    last_modified: uint256

get_id_info: public(HashMap[uint256, AddressInfo])

def get_address(_id: uint256) -> address:
    @notice Fetch the address associated with `_id`
    @dev Returns empty(address) if `_id` has not been defined, or has been unset
    @param _id Identifier to fetch an address for
    @return Current address associated to `_id`
    return self.get_id_info[_id].addr
>>> AddressProvider.get_address(0)


AddressProvider.check_id_exists(arg0: uint256) -> bool: view

Function to check if an ID exists.

Returns: true or false (bool).

Input Type Description
arg0 uint256 ID to check
Source code
check_id_exists: public(HashMap[uint256, bool])
>>> AddressProvider.check_id_exists(0)
>>> AddressProvider.check_id_exists(9)


AddressProvider.num_entries() -> uint256: view

Getter for the number of entries. The count increments by one upon calling _add_new_id and decreases by one upon calling _remove_id.

Returns: number of entries (uint256).

Source code
num_entries: public(uint256)
>>> AddressProvider.num_entries()

Adding, Removing and Updating IDs

IDs can be added, removed, or adjusted by the admin of the contract.


AddressProvider.update_id(_id: uint256, _new_address: address, _new_description: String[64]):

Guarded Methods

This function can only be called by the admin of the contract.

Function to update the address and description of an ID.

Emits: EntryModified

Input Type Description
_id uint256 ID to update
_new_address address New address
_new_description String[64] New description
Source code
event EntryModified:
    id: indexed(uint256)
    version: uint256

def update_id(
    _id: uint256,
    _new_address: address,
    _new_description: String[64],
    @notice Update entries at an ID
    @param _id Address assigned to the input _id
    @param _new_address Address assigned to the _id
    @param _new_description Human-readable description of the identifier
    assert msg.sender == self.admin  # dev: admin-only function
    assert self.check_id_exists[_id]  # dev: id does not exist

    # Update entry at _id:
    self.get_id_info[_id].addr = _new_address
    self.get_id_info[_id].description = _new_description

    # Update metadata (version, update time):

def _update_entry_metadata(_id: uint256):

    version: uint256 = self.get_id_info[_id].version + 1
    self.get_id_info[_id].version = version
    self.get_id_info[_id].last_modified = block.timestamp

    log EntryModified(_id, version)
>>> soon


AddressProvider.update_address(_id: uint256, _address: address):

Guarded Methods

This function can only be called by the admin of the contract.

Function to update the address of an ID.

Emits: EntryModified

Input Type Description
_id uint256 ID to change the address for
_address address New address to change it to
Source code
event EntryModified:
    id: indexed(uint256)
    version: uint256

check_id_exists: public(HashMap[uint256, bool])
get_id_info: public(HashMap[uint256, AddressInfo])

def update_address(_id: uint256, _address: address):
    @notice Set a new address for an existing identifier
    @param _id Identifier to set the new address for
    @param _address Address to set
    assert msg.sender == self.admin  # dev: admin-only function
    assert self.check_id_exists[_id]  # dev: id does not exist

    # Update address:
    self.get_id_info[_id].addr = _address

    # Update metadata (version, update time):

def _update_entry_metadata(_id: uint256):

    version: uint256 = self.get_id_info[_id].version + 1
    self.get_id_info[_id].version = version
    self.get_id_info[_id].last_modified = block.timestamp

    log EntryModified(_id, version)
>>> soon


AddressProvider.update_description(_id: uint256, _description: String[256]):

Guarded Methods

This function can only be called by the admin of the contract.

Function to update the description of an ID.

Emits: EntryModified

Input Type Description
_id uint256 ID to change the description for
_description String[256] New description
Source code
event EntryModified:
    id: indexed(uint256)
    version: uint256

check_id_exists: public(HashMap[uint256, bool])
get_id_info: public(HashMap[uint256, AddressInfo])

def update_description(_id: uint256, _description: String[256]):
    @notice Update description for an existing _id
    @param _id Identifier to set the new description for
    @param _description New description to set
    assert msg.sender == self.admin  # dev: admin-only function
    assert self.check_id_exists[_id]  # dev: id does not exist

    # Update description:
    self.get_id_info[_id].description = _description

    # Update metadata (version, update time):

def _update_entry_metadata(_id: uint256):

    version: uint256 = self.get_id_info[_id].version + 1
    self.get_id_info[_id].version = version
    self.get_id_info[_id].last_modified = block.timestamp

    log EntryModified(_id, version)
>>> soon


AddressProvider.add_new_id(_id: uint256, _address: address, _description: String[64]):

Guarded Methods

This function can only be called by the admin of the contract.

Function to add a new registry item to the AddressProvider.

Emits: NewEntry

Input Type Description
_id uint256 ID to add. Reverts if ID number is already used.
_address address New address
_description String[64] New description
Source code
event NewEntry:
    id: indexed(uint256)
    addr: address
    description: String[64]

def add_new_id(
    _id: uint256,
    _address: address,
    _description: String[64],
    @notice Enter a new registry item
    @param _id ID assigned to the address
    @param _address Address assigned to the ID
    @param _description Human-readable description of the ID
    assert msg.sender == self.admin  # dev: admin-only function

    self._add_new_id(_id, _address, _description)

def _add_new_id(
    _id: uint256,
    _address: address,
    _description: String[64]

    assert not self.check_id_exists[_id]  # dev: id exists

    self.check_id_exists[_id] = True

    # Add entry:
    self.get_id_info[_id] = AddressInfo(
            addr: _address,
            description: _description,
            version: 1,
            last_modified: block.timestamp,
    self.num_entries += 1

    log NewEntry(_id, _address, _description)
>>> soon


AddressProvider.add_new_ids(_ids: DynArray[uint256, 25], _addresses: DynArray[address, 25], _descriptions: DynArray[String[64], 25]):

Guarded Methods

This function can only be called by the admin of the contract.

Function to add mutiple new registry items to the AddressProvider at once.

Emits: NewEntry

Input Type Description
_ids DynArray[uint256, 25] IDs to add. Reverts if ID number is already used.
_addresss DynArray[address, 25] ID addresses
_descriptions DynArray[String[64], 25] ID descriptions
Source code
event NewEntry:
    id: indexed(uint256)
    addr: address
    description: String[64]

def add_new_ids(
    _ids: DynArray[uint256, 25],
    _addresses: DynArray[address, 25],
    _descriptions: DynArray[String[64], 25],
    @notice Enter new registry items
    @param _ids IDs assigned to addresses
    @param _addresses Addresses assigned to corresponding IDs
    @param _descriptions Human-readable description of each of the IDs
    assert msg.sender == self.admin  # dev: admin-only function

    # Check lengths
    assert len(_ids) == len(_addresses) 
    assert len(_addresses) == len(_descriptions)

    for i in range(len(_ids), bound=20):

def _add_new_id(
    _id: uint256,
    _address: address,
    _description: String[64]

    assert not self.check_id_exists[_id]  # dev: id exists

    self.check_id_exists[_id] = True

    # Add entry:
    self.get_id_info[_id] = AddressInfo(
            addr: _address,
            description: _description,
            version: 1,
            last_modified: block.timestamp,
    self.num_entries += 1

    log NewEntry(_id, _address, _description)
>>> soon


AddressProvider.remove_id(_id: uint256) -> bool:

Guarded Methods

This function can only be called by the admin of the contract.

Function to remove a registry item from the AddressProvider.

Returns: true (bool).

Emits: EntryRemoved

Input Type Description
_id uint256 ID to remove.
Source code
event EntryRemoved:
    id: indexed(uint256)

def remove_id(_id: uint256) -> bool:
    @notice Unset an existing identifier
    @param _id Identifier to unset
    @return bool success
    assert msg.sender == self.admin  # dev: admin-only function

    return self._remove_id(_id)

def _remove_id(_id: uint256) -> bool:

    assert self.check_id_exists[_id]  # dev: id does not exist

    # Clear ID:
    self.get_id_info[_id].addr = empty(address)
    self.get_id_info[_id].last_modified = 0
    self.get_id_info[_id].description = ''
    self.get_id_info[_id].version = 0

    self.check_id_exists[_id] = False

    # Reduce num entries:
    self.num_entries -= 1

    # Emit 0 in version to notify removal of id:
    log EntryRemoved(_id)

    return True
>>> soon


AddressProvider.remove_ids(_ids: DynArray[uint256, 20]) -> bool:

Guarded Methods

This function can only be called by the admin of the contract.

Function to remove mutiple registry items from the AddressProvider at once.

Returns: true (bool).

Emits: EntryRemoved

Input Type Description
_ids DynArray[uint256, 20] IDs to remove.
Source code
event EntryRemoved:
    id: indexed(uint256)

def remove_ids(_ids: DynArray[uint256, 20]) -> bool:
    @notice Unset existing identifiers
    @param _id DynArray of identifier to unset
    @return bool success
    assert msg.sender == self.admin  # dev: admin-only function

    for _id in _ids:
        assert self._remove_id(_id)

    return True

def _remove_id(_id: uint256) -> bool:

    assert self.check_id_exists[_id]  # dev: id does not exist

    # Clear ID:
    self.get_id_info[_id].addr = empty(address)
    self.get_id_info[_id].last_modified = 0
    self.get_id_info[_id].description = ''
    self.get_id_info[_id].version = 0

    self.check_id_exists[_id] = False

    # Reduce num entries:
    self.num_entries -= 1

    # Emit 0 in version to notify removal of id:
    log EntryRemoved(_id)

    return True
>>> soon