As crvusd markets use interal oracles, they utilizes in-house liquidity pools to aggregate the price of collateral. But there is a possibility to use Chainlink oracle prices as safety limits.
Every market has its own price oracle contract, which can be fetched by calling price_oracle_contract
within the controller of the market. The wstETH oracle will be used for the purpose of this documentation. Please be aware that oracle contracts can vary based on the collateral token.
The formulas below use slightly different terminologies than the code to make them easier to read.
For abbreviations, see here.
calculates the exponential moving average (EMA) of the total value locked (TVL) for TRICRYPTO
This value is subsequently used in the internal function _raw_price()
to compute the weighted price of ETH.
_ema_tvl() -> uint256[N_POOLS]:
last_timestamp: public(uint256)
last_tvl: public(uint256[N_POOLS])
TVL_MA_TIME: public(constant(uint256)) = 50000 # s
def _ema_tvl() -> uint256[N_POOLS]:
last_timestamp: uint256 = self.last_timestamp
last_tvl: uint256[N_POOLS] = self.last_tvl
if last_timestamp < block.timestamp:
alpha: uint256 = self.exp(- convert((block.timestamp - last_timestamp) * 10**18 / TVL_MA_TIME, int256))
# alpha = 1.0 when dt = 0
# alpha = 0.0 when dt = inf
for i in range(N_POOLS):
tvl: uint256 = TRICRYPTO[i].totalSupply() * TRICRYPTO[i].virtual_price() / 10**18
last_tvl[i] = (tvl * (10**18 - alpha) + last_tvl[i] * alpha) / 10**18
return last_tvl
\(tvl_i = \text{TVL of i-th pool}\) in TRICRYPTO[N_POOLS]
\(TS_i = \text{total supply of i-th pool}\) in TRICRYPTO[N_POOLS]
\(VP_i = \text{virtual price of i-th pool}\) in TRICRYPTO[N_POOLS]
\(\text{last_tvl}_i = \text{smoothed TVL of i-th pool}\) in TRICRYPTO[N_POOLS]
Oracle.ema_tvl() -> uint256[N_POOLS]:
Function to calculate the Total-Value-Locked (TVL) Exponential-Moving-Average (EMA) of the TRICRYPTO
Returns: last_tvl
Source code
def ema_tvl() -> uint256[N_POOLS]:
return self._ema_tvl()
def _ema_tvl() -> uint256[N_POOLS]:
last_timestamp: uint256 = self.last_timestamp
last_tvl: uint256[N_POOLS] = self.last_tvl
if last_timestamp < block.timestamp:
alpha: uint256 = self.exp(- convert((block.timestamp - last_timestamp) * 10**18 / TVL_MA_TIME, int256))
# alpha = 1.0 when dt = 0
# alpha = 0.0 when dt = inf
for i in range(N_POOLS):
tvl: uint256 = TRICRYPTO[i].totalSupply() * TRICRYPTO[i].virtual_price() / 10**18
last_tvl[i] = (tvl * (10**18 - alpha) + last_tvl[i] * alpha) / 10**18
return last_tvl
Oracle.last_tvl(arg0: uint256) -> uint256:
Getter for the last_tvl
of the tricrypto pool at index arg0
Returns: last_tvl
Input | Type | Description |
arg0 | uint256 | Index |
Calculate Raw Price¶
The internal _raw_price()
function calculates the raw price of the collateral token.
_raw_price(tvls: uint256[N_POOLS], agg_price: uint256) -> uint256:
def _raw_price(tvls: uint256[N_POOLS], agg_price: uint256) -> uint256:
weighted_price: uint256 = 0
weights: uint256 = 0
for i in range(N_POOLS):
p_crypto_r: uint256 = TRICRYPTO[i].price_oracle(TRICRYPTO_IX[i]) # d_usdt/d_eth
p_stable_r: uint256 = STABLESWAP[i].price_oracle() # d_usdt/d_st
p_stable_agg: uint256 = agg_price # d_usd/d_st
p_stable_r = 10**36 / p_stable_r
weight: uint256 = tvls[i]
# Prices are already EMA but weights - not so much
weights += weight
weighted_price += p_crypto_r * p_stable_agg / p_stable_r * weight # d_usd/d_eth
crv_p: uint256 = weighted_price / weights
use_chainlink: bool = self.use_chainlink
# Limit ETH price
if use_chainlink:
chainlink_lrd: ChainlinkAnswer = CHAINLINK_AGGREGATOR_ETH.latestRoundData()
if block.timestamp - min(chainlink_lrd.updated_at, block.timestamp) <= CHAINLINK_STALE_THRESHOLD:
chainlink_p: uint256 = convert(chainlink_lrd.answer, uint256) * 10**18 / CHAINLINK_PRICE_PRECISION_ETH
lower: uint256 = chainlink_p * (10**18 - BOUND_SIZE) / 10**18
upper: uint256 = chainlink_p * (10**18 + BOUND_SIZE) / 10**18
crv_p = min(max(crv_p, lower), upper)
p_staked: uint256 = STAKEDSWAP.price_oracle() # d_eth / d_steth
# Limit STETH price
if use_chainlink:
chainlink_lrd: ChainlinkAnswer = CHAINLINK_AGGREGATOR_STETH.latestRoundData()
if block.timestamp - min(chainlink_lrd.updated_at, block.timestamp) <= CHAINLINK_STALE_THRESHOLD:
chainlink_p: uint256 = convert(chainlink_lrd.answer, uint256) * 10**18 / CHAINLINK_PRICE_PRECISION_STETH
lower: uint256 = chainlink_p * (10**18 - BOUND_SIZE) / 10**18
upper: uint256 = chainlink_p * (10**18 + BOUND_SIZE) / 10**18
p_staked = min(max(p_staked, lower), upper)
p_staked = min(p_staked, 10**18) * WSTETH.stEthPerToken() / 10**18 # d_eth / d_wsteth
return p_staked * crv_p / 10**18
\(price_{weighted} =\) weighted price of ETH
\(totalPrice_{weighted} =\) total weighted price of ETH
\(price_{eth} =\) price oracle of eth in the tricrypto pools w.r.t usdc/usdt
\(price_{usd} =\) price oracle of stableswap pool
\(price_{crvusd} =\) price oracle of crvusd
\(price_{stETH} =\) price of stETH w.r.t ETH
\(rate_{wstETH} =\) amount of stETH for 1 wstETH
Oracle.raw_price() -> uint256: view
Function to calculate the raw price.
Returns: raw price (uint256
Source code
def raw_price() -> uint256:
return self._raw_price()
def _raw_price(tvls: uint256[N_POOLS], agg_price: uint256) -> uint256:
weighted_price: uint256 = 0
weights: uint256 = 0
for i in range(N_POOLS):
p_crypto_r: uint256 = TRICRYPTO[i].price_oracle(TRICRYPTO_IX[i]) # d_usdt/d_eth
p_stable_r: uint256 = STABLESWAP[i].price_oracle() # d_usdt/d_st
p_stable_agg: uint256 = agg_price # d_usd/d_st
p_stable_r = 10**36 / p_stable_r
weight: uint256 = tvls[i]
# Prices are already EMA but weights - not so much
weights += weight
weighted_price += p_crypto_r * p_stable_agg / p_stable_r * weight # d_usd/d_eth
crv_p: uint256 = weighted_price / weights
use_chainlink: bool = self.use_chainlink
# Limit ETH price
if use_chainlink:
chainlink_lrd: ChainlinkAnswer = CHAINLINK_AGGREGATOR_ETH.latestRoundData()
if block.timestamp - min(chainlink_lrd.updated_at, block.timestamp) <= CHAINLINK_STALE_THRESHOLD:
chainlink_p: uint256 = convert(chainlink_lrd.answer, uint256) * 10**18 / CHAINLINK_PRICE_PRECISION_ETH
lower: uint256 = chainlink_p * (10**18 - BOUND_SIZE) / 10**18
upper: uint256 = chainlink_p * (10**18 + BOUND_SIZE) / 10**18
crv_p = min(max(crv_p, lower), upper)
p_staked: uint256 = STAKEDSWAP.price_oracle() # d_eth / d_steth
# Limit STETH price
if use_chainlink:
chainlink_lrd: ChainlinkAnswer = CHAINLINK_AGGREGATOR_STETH.latestRoundData()
if block.timestamp - min(chainlink_lrd.updated_at, block.timestamp) <= CHAINLINK_STALE_THRESHOLD:
chainlink_p: uint256 = convert(chainlink_lrd.answer, uint256) * 10**18 / CHAINLINK_PRICE_PRECISION_STETH
lower: uint256 = chainlink_p * (10**18 - BOUND_SIZE) / 10**18
upper: uint256 = chainlink_p * (10**18 + BOUND_SIZE) / 10**18
p_staked = min(max(p_staked, lower), upper)
p_staked = min(p_staked, 10**18) * WSTETH.stEthPerToken() / 10**18 # d_eth / d_wsteth
return p_staked * crv_p / 10**18
Chainlink Limits¶
The oracle contracts have the option to utilize Chainlink prices, which serve as safety limits. When enabled, these limits are triggered if the Chainlink price deviates by more than 1.5% (represented by BOUND_SIZE
) from the internal price oracles.
Chainlink limits can be turned on and off by calling set_use_chainlink(do_it: bool)
, which can only be done by the admin of the Factory contract.
Oracle.use_chainlink() -> bool:
Getter method to check if chainlink oracles are turned on or off.
Returns: True or False (bool
Oracle.set_use_chainlink(do_it: bool):
Guarded Method
This function is only callable by the admin
of the Factory contract.
Function to toggle the usage of chainlink limits.
Input | Type | Description |
do_it | bool | Bool to toggle the usage of chainlink oracles |
Source code
Terminology used in Code¶
terminology used in code | |
\(\alpha\) | alpha |
\(\exp\) | exp(power: int256) -> uint256: |
\(TS_i\) | TRICRYPTO[i].totalSupply() |
\(VP_i\) | TRICRYPTO[i].virtual_price() |
\(price_{eth}\) | p_crypto_r |
\(price_{usd}\) | p_stable_agg |
\(price_{crvusd}\) | p_stable_r |
\(price_{weighted}\) | weighted_price |
\(totalETH_{price}\) | crv_p |
Contract Info Methods¶
Oracle.N_POOLS() -> uint256:
Getter for the number of external pools used by the oracle.
Returns: number of pools (uint256
Oracle.TRICRYPTO(arg0: uint256) -> uint256:
Getter for the tricrypto pool at index arg0
Returns: last_tvl
Input | Type | Description |
arg0 | uint256 | Index |
Oracle.TRICRYPTO_IX(arg0: uint256) -> uint256:
Getter for the index of ETH in the tricrypto pool w.r.t the coin at index 0.
Returns: Index of ETH price oracle in the tricrypto pool (uint256
Returns 1, as ETH price oracle index in the tricrypto pool is 1. If the same index would be 0, it would return the price oracle of ETH. Their prices are all w.r.t the coin at index 0 (USDC or USDT).
Input | Type | Description |
arg0 | uint256 | Index of TRICRYPTO |
Oracle.STABLESWAP_AGGREGATOR() -> address:
Getter for contract of the crvusd price aggregator.
Returns: contract (address
Oracle.STABLESWAP(arg0: uint256) -> address:
Getter for the stableswap pool at index arg0
Returns: stableswap pool (address
Input | Type | Description |
arg0 | uint256 | Index of STABLESWAP |
Oracle.STABLECOIN() -> address:
Getter for the contract address of crvUSD.
Returns: crvUSD contract (address
Oracle.FACTORY() -> address:
Getter for the contract address of the Factory.
Returns: factory contract (address
Oracle.BOUND_SIZE() -> uint256:
Getter for the bound size of the chainlink oracle limits. This essentially is the size of the safety limits.
Returns: bound size (uint256
Oracle.STAKEDSWAP() -> address:
Getter for the stETH/ETH stableswap pool.
Returns: pool contract (address
Oracle.WSTETH() -> address:
Getter for the wstETH contract address.
Returns: wstETH contract (address
Oracle.last_timestamp() -> uint256:
Getter for the last timestamp when price_w()
was called.
Returns: timestamp (uint256
Oracle.TVL_MA_TIME() -> uint256:
Getter for the Exponential-Moving-Average time.
Returns: ema time (uint256
Oracle.price() -> uint256: view
Function to calculate the raw price of the collateral token.
Returns: raw price (uint256
Source code
def price() -> uint256:
return self._raw_price(self._ema_tvl(), STABLESWAP_AGGREGATOR.price())
def _raw_price(tvls: uint256[N_POOLS], agg_price: uint256) -> uint256:
weighted_price: uint256 = 0
weights: uint256 = 0
for i in range(N_POOLS):
p_crypto_r: uint256 = TRICRYPTO[i].price_oracle(TRICRYPTO_IX[i]) # d_usdt/d_eth
p_stable_r: uint256 = STABLESWAP[i].price_oracle() # d_usdt/d_st
p_stable_agg: uint256 = agg_price # d_usd/d_st
p_stable_r = 10**36 / p_stable_r
weight: uint256 = tvls[i]
# Prices are already EMA but weights - not so much
weights += weight
weighted_price += p_crypto_r * p_stable_agg / p_stable_r * weight # d_usd/d_eth
crv_p: uint256 = weighted_price / weights
use_chainlink: bool = self.use_chainlink
# Limit ETH price
if use_chainlink:
chainlink_lrd: ChainlinkAnswer = CHAINLINK_AGGREGATOR_ETH.latestRoundData()
if block.timestamp - min(chainlink_lrd.updated_at, block.timestamp) <= CHAINLINK_STALE_THRESHOLD:
chainlink_p: uint256 = convert(chainlink_lrd.answer, uint256) * 10**18 / CHAINLINK_PRICE_PRECISION_ETH
lower: uint256 = chainlink_p * (10**18 - BOUND_SIZE) / 10**18
upper: uint256 = chainlink_p * (10**18 + BOUND_SIZE) / 10**18
crv_p = min(max(crv_p, lower), upper)
p_staked: uint256 = STAKEDSWAP.price_oracle() # d_eth / d_steth
# Limit STETH price
if use_chainlink:
chainlink_lrd: ChainlinkAnswer = CHAINLINK_AGGREGATOR_STETH.latestRoundData()
if block.timestamp - min(chainlink_lrd.updated_at, block.timestamp) <= CHAINLINK_STALE_THRESHOLD:
chainlink_p: uint256 = convert(chainlink_lrd.answer, uint256) * 10**18 / CHAINLINK_PRICE_PRECISION_STETH
lower: uint256 = chainlink_p * (10**18 - BOUND_SIZE) / 10**18
upper: uint256 = chainlink_p * (10**18 + BOUND_SIZE) / 10**18
p_staked = min(max(p_staked, lower), upper)
p_staked = min(p_staked, 10**18) * WSTETH.stEthPerToken() / 10**18 # d_eth / d_wsteth
return p_staked * crv_p / 10**18
Oracle.price_w() -> uint256:
Function to obtain the oracle price of the collateral token and update last_tvl
and last_timestamp
. This function is used in the AMM.
Input | Type | Description |
arg0 | uint256 | last_tvl of tricrypto pool at index arg0 |